Introducing "You Can Sit With Us" Podcast: Your New Favorite!

Unlike the Plastics in Mean Girls, you can (actually) sit with us! Welcome, welcome, welcome to the debut of our fabulous new podcast, “You Can Sit With Us”! We are beyond thrilled to launch this series with a very special episode just in time for 2024 Pride Month. This is where we celebrate the richness of diversity and the power of authenticity. So grab your favorite drink, get comfy, and let’s dive into what makes this podcast a must-listen!

Embracing Authenticity: Meet Our Guests

In our premiere episode, we’re featuring three incredible individuals from Singapore’s LGBTQIA+ community who have generously shared their powerful journeys of self-discovery. These amazing guests have chosen to live their truth despite societal expectations, and their stories are nothing short of inspiring. Let's introduce you to these trailblazers:

  • Shawn, @mediumshawn (He/Him): A journalist and LGBTQIA+ advocate who’s as sharp with his pen as he is with his wit. Shawn brings a deep understanding of the community’s challenges and triumphs.
  • Max, @joyalexis.max (He/They): An aspiring singer and musician with a voice that’s as versatile as their identity. Max’s journey is one of resilience and the pursuit of dreams.
  • Opera, @opera.tang (She/They): A popular local drag queen whose performances are legendary. Opera’s story is one of boldness and breaking boundaries, perfectly embodying the spirit of this year’s Pink Dot Rally theme, “Forward and Fearless”.

These fabulous guests open up about their paths to self-discovery, the struggles they’ve faced, and the joy of living authentically. It’s a conversation that’s heartfelt, raw, and incredibly empowering.

Why This Podcast Matters 

At Finix, we believe in celebrating authenticity and diversity in all forms. Our mission is to inspire and empower people to embrace their true selves, fostering a world filled with compassion, love, and inclusivity. We want everyone—regardless of who they are—to feel valued, respected, and celebrated for their unique identities.

"You Can Sit With Us" is more than just a podcast; it’s a movement. This series will cover a wide range of topics and communities, sharing diverse stories to build a supportive community where everyone feels seen and heard. Whether you’re part of a marginalized community, an ally, this podcast is for you.

The Pride Month Episode

Our special Pride Month episode focuses specifically on the LGBTQIA+ community. In this episode, we delve into the experiences, challenges, and triumphs of LGBTQIA+ individuals. By highlighting their stories, we aim to foster understanding, acceptance, and solidarity. The full video episode premiered on Finix’s official YouTube channel (@finixwear) on 14 June 2024. Don’t miss this opportunity to witness these incredible stories first-hand.

And guess what? This is just the beginning. There’s so much more exciting content coming up. We will continue to release episodes featuring people from all walks of life, backgrounds, and experiences. Stay tuned and subscribe for more inspiring stories!

Join the Conversation

We want to hear from you! After you watch the episode, join the conversation on social media. Share your thoughts, stories, and messages of support using the hashtag #YouCanSitWithUs. Let’s create a vibrant and inclusive community together.

So, what are you waiting for? Subscribe to our YouTube channel, follow us on social media, and get ready to be inspired. Remember, at “You Can Sit With Us,” everyone is welcome. 🎉💖

Shop the Collection 

And don't forget, our limited edition Pink Pride Collection is available throughout June but once they're gone... THEY'RE GONE. 

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